"So, fellas, what are we going to do about this FUCKING Moscow thing?" Dan asked as the women cooked dinner that night.
"I don't like it", Mike said. "I think that this is the Commandant's way of being like the General."
The guys all nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. The General wanted us as puppets, and the Commandant want to do that now. He's been using me to be the fucking news man on what the Resistance is up to instead of allowing me to offer a message of hope to the people. That's what those monologues were started for. I'm glad he keeps us in the loop, but shit. I'm not a fucking journalist", David said, nursing a bottle of beer.
"What do you think, John?" Dan asked.
"I hate it! I'm usually a pretty reserved guy, but enough is enough. He's not our puppet master. Our wives are. If anyone should be giving us orders it's those beautiful women in that kitchen, not that ugly fucker who's residence is in another state."
"I'm losing sleep over this shit", Dan said. "I say no, Commandant Henchly can go to hell if he thinks we're going to Moscow."
"Same here, Danny", David said. "My vote is no."
"No", Mike said.
"No," said John.
"It's settled then", David said. "We'll call the Commandant in the morning. Tonight, I'm going to sleep, and possibly make love to my wife. I'm DONE losing sleep over what the Commandant wants."
"What do you think the guys are going to do about the trip to Moscow?" Kristen asked Brie as they set the children's table.
"From the mumblings while I was giving them their massages this afternoon, they've all pretty much decided not to do it. And they all seem tired of feeling like puppets for the Commandant", Brie told her.
"Well, I hope they make those feelings plain to the Commandant", Nicole said. "Dan's been losing sleep over this shit."
"So has David", Brie said. "Last night he spent more time watching me sleep than sleeping himself. It's old."
"Mike's not losing sleep, per say, but he's not sleeping very well. he tosses and turns. He's not a rowdy sleeper. Hell, he sleeps like a log."
Brie laughed. "Well, I'm sure that they'll make the right decision for them."
After dinner, the adults all got the kids ready for bed. "Daddy", Maddie said, "Are we going to go to Russia and live now?"
"No, sweetie. We're going to stay right here."
"Good, I don't want to have to learn Russian. I like English just fine."
He smiles at his daughter. "What about learning Hebrew?"
"That's part of who I am. I'm part Hebrew, right?"
"Yeah. I'm Hebrew and your mama's half Hebrew."
"Exactly. So, if it's part of who I am, then why not learn it?" She shrugged her little shoulders.
God, she looked just like her mother when she did that... all the girls did. He couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, my Maddie, you're so damn cute. Now, get your cute little self in bed before you get in trouble." She climbed in bed as she was told and laid down. "Daddy?" she asked.
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"I love you."
"I love you too." He hugged her and kissed her cheek. He did the same for Jordan, answering questions, giving her a hug and kiss, and telling her he loved her.
Brie stood in the doorway, a wistful smile on her face and tears in her eyes. It wasn't everyday that she got to watch David put the girls in bed. Usually, Jacob and Malachai took up their Daddy's time, pelting him with questions until he told them that it was lights out time, told them he loved them and left the room after shutting out the light. She turned out of the doorway just before David turned and went for the light. He didn't need to see her like that. God, she was a hormonal mess. Fucking menopause making her all emotional and shit. She thanked God that she wasn't dealing with the hot flashes. She would have hated that and so would David. He was already losing sleep over the shit that was happening with the war and everything else. He didn't need to lose sleep over her to, though she was sure to him it would have been a welcome relief.
David went next door to the boy's room and told them good night, fielding the usual barrage of questions. After turning out the light in the boy's room, he went to the nursery where he found Brie with Makayla, rocking her back to sleep. She looked as though she'd been crying. "Is something wrong, baby?" he asked.
"Not anymore. Fucking menopause is making me all hormonal and emotional and shit."
He smiled. "But, you're cute when you're all hormonal and shit. It tells me there's a human in there and not a woman made of stone."
"When did you start thinking that?"
"You're so funny. I don't think that, but the guys have started thinking that. They think you're Superwoman or some shit like that."
She smiled. "I was raised to stand beside my husband through thick and thin, no matter what happens. I have my moments where I need support, but for the most. Every woman does. But, I'm not the kind of woman that broadcasts my problems. I tend to keep the fact that my shit is falling apart to myself... that was until I met you. Now, I keep it between the two of us. I'm just trying to keep my shit in check with menopause setting in and stuff like that. I don't want you to see me falling apart over nothing."
"Irian", he said and she shivered. He never called her that. "Your problems are my problems. You know that."
"David, don't call me that name, please. That woman is dead and has been for seven years now."
"I'm sorry, honey, but I'm trying to get a point across. I didn't fall in love with Brie. I fell in love with Irian. Just because your name was changed by the Agency doesn't mean that my feeling for you have changed, whether your Irian or Brie. I love YOU, no matter what I call you." He knelt in front of her. "Come on, let's go to bed. Let's put Kayla in her crib and go to our room."
She smiled. "You need to tell the quads good night, too, baby."
"I will. Give me Makayla and I'll lay her down. You head on to the room. I'll meet you there."
"Ok." She handed Makayla off to David and went to their bedroom, waiting for him in bed.
David gave the quads each a kiss on the forehead and shut off the light. He went to the bedroom where his wife waited for him, curled up on the bed, under the covers. She laid on her side, curled up into a ball. She looked so helpless. It broke his heart. He stripped down for bed, then climbed in next to his wife. She needed him right now. He could feel it. He gently rolled her onto her back and kissed her softly. He had to show her how much he loved her, no matter what happened.
"What are you doing?" she whispered against his lips.
"I'm showing you how much I love you." He devoured her mouth with his. It was the only thing he wanted at that point. He wanted that haunted look to leave her eyes. He wanted her to feel how passionately he loved her.
As he made his way down her body, she sighed her pleasure. Screaming wasn't something she was up for at the moment. "Oh, David", she said. The feel of his mouth on her was almost too much to bare. "I love you", she said as she hit her peak and moaned loud and long.
That's what he wanted to hear. He continued on with what he was doing. He wanted to draw this out, make it as long as he possibly could. Even if it took all night.
Her body was on fire from the very core of her being out. She wasn't sure if she could take much more of him between her legs. Her back arched and she clutched at the sheets. God, it felt so good, but she needed him in a different way. She used her knees to let him know what she wanted.
With one final lick, he moved up her body again and with the slightest movement of his hips, he slid inside her.
"OH, GOD! DAVID!!" she cried as she came again. But this time, she didn't come alone. He froze above her and shivered. Oh dear God, he was just as phenomenal as he was the first night they were together. He took his time, showing her he loved her. It was beautiful, so beautiful that she clung to him and cried and he held her.
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