Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chapter 150

The Major had no idea what was about to happen to him. He just went into work like it was any other day. The sky was clear and blue, the sun was shining. His wife had pressed his uniform the night before and he was looking SHARP! His ribbons and metals were all in perfect alignment. It truly was a perfect day.

The sniper lined up her shot from 1100 yards. This was the farthest she'd EVER hit a moving target from, but she knew she could do it. The crosshairs on her scope lined up perfectly with the back of her target's head as he walked into the Pentagon. She took a deep breath the steady herself and squeezed the trigger. A perfect ending to the most miserable of lives, she thought. She didn’t' have to give a verbal signal to her demo team. All she had to do was drop the target. The charges were already set. Her target hit the concrete, dead, and the Pentagon went up in a cloud of flame and smoke.

She dialed the number on her sat phone to the Master Sergeant. "Sir, the target has been taken out. Returning home to base for debriefing."

"Good job, First Sergeant. Get home as quickly as you can."

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