Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter 244

That night as they lay in bed, David noticed that Brie seemed troubled.  "Honey, what's the problem?"

She huffed.  "She seems familiar.  I can't place from where, though."

“Who are you talking about?”

“Karyn, that’s who.  I know we know here from somewhere, I just can’t place where.”

He closed his eyes and thought about it when it suddenly dawned on him.  “Remember that night before the first rally when Malachai ran around the house with your old camera?”

“Yeah, we had a big party and invited all of the gophers.”

“Did we ever print out any of those pictures?”

“We may have.  What does that have to do with anything?”

“I think she may have been there.  I wanted to look at the old pictures to see if I’m right.”

“Are you thinking that she’s one of the old gophers?”

“That’s exactly my thought.”

She slipped out of bed and looked under the bed for a small box that had a bunch of old pictures inside.  Once she put her hands on it, she pulled it out and slipped back into bed.  “Here that old picture box.”

He pulled the top off the box and took out a handful and started looking  through the pictures.  “She’s got to be in here somewhere.”

She reached out and took a handful of photos herself.  She checked each of them carefully looking for the young red head that knocked on their door earlier that day.  She has to be in here, she thought as she looked.  I know that girl from somewhere.  I know it.  I can feel it.

“GOT IT!” David said, holding the picture out to his wife.

She took the photo from his hand and studied it closely.  There she stood by the front door, Rex’s arms wrapped around her.  You could see how in love they were.  “Holy shit.  Amazing.”

“We’ve found her.  I wonder if she remembers being one of our gophers and that’s why she jumped at the chance to be our surrogate”, David pointed out as he picked up the pictures and put them back in the box before shoving the box back under the bed.

Brie settled back into the bed after putting the picture on her bedside .  “I don’t know, honey.  The only way to know for sure is to ask her.”

He settled back into the bed next to her and pulled her into his arms.  “Well, one thing’s for certain, if she’s does remember, then she’s doing us a huge favor based on the ideals she had of us all those years ago.”


“Are you saying that you don’t remember working for the band as their gopher for four years?” Morbus asked Karyn that night as they got ready for bed.  The band was more than happy to have her stay with them.

“I don’t remember a lot from that time in my life, Morbus.  The last thing I remember was a concert.”

“You don’t remember me going to the old safe house to warn them that the Utopians had found them?”

She shook her head.  “No.  But, Morbus, something about Mrs. Draiman keeps bothering me.”

“What’s that, ‘Ryn?”

“In Oral Com class, we covered a woman named Irian Cartwright.  Mrs. Draiman looks an AWFUL lot like her.  She actually inspired me to follow my passion to be a Lit Major instead of following what my parent wanted me to do.”

He shrugged as he wrapped an arm around her.  “I don’t know, my dear.  She may very well be the woman you’re speaking of.”

“But, that’s not possible, Morbus”, she said as she snuggled into the bed at his side.  “Irian Cartwright was declared dead after a house explosion at the beginning of the war.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, love.”

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